How Does The Vibration Motor Vibrate?

Vibration motors are provided and are suitable for driving vibrating systems, such as vibrating pipes, vibrating feeders, vibrating screens, etc.

Vibration motor structure

Above figure shows construction of an vibration motor. To generate the centrifugal force, fly weights are arranged on both sides at the ends of the motor shaft. The unbalance weights on the drive shaft produce an oscillating force which sets the spring-mounted working device ( e.g.a vibrating screen) to vibrate in a defined direction.

As shown in above figure, it is possible to generate circular, elliptic or linear vibratory(oscillatory) movements.

lf a single unbalance motor (drive) is located at the center of gravity, it generates a circular vibration (oscillation). However, away from the center of gravity, an elliptic oscillation movement is generated.

A drive consisting two unbalance motors rotating in opposite directions generates a linear (straight line) vibratory movement. This type of motion is used when it is required to transport the material horizontally i.e. with vibrating conveyors, feeders or when it is necessary to control the feed rate by variable speed controllers. This type of motion is also necessary for compacting materials.

However, as shown in the following figure, two synchronous motors rotating in the same direction will produce torsional vibration.

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